
About me

My name is Olga Tsimaraki. I’m an SEO Consultant & Trainer, but that was not always the case. I’m self-taught.

In 2014, while studying to become a Computer Engineer, I discovered my love for marketing and I focused on learning about it.

I read books, subscribed to newsletters and YouTube channels, completed every possible free course online, and volunteered my time as a Communications Manager (which mostly meant taking care of the website and social media).

In 2017, I got my first marketing internship, and a year later – with only 2 years of actual marketing experience – I landed my dream job! I became a Marketing Consultant for Zima Mediaworking from home with clients all over the world for over 6 years. After the first 3 years, I transitioned to marketing training, which I absolutely loved, and was promoted to Chief Operations Officer. 

In 2023, I decided it was time for the next step, created The Budding Marketer, and started freelancing as an SEO consultant and trainer.

In The Media

The Vision

I want to one day create a one-stop community for all junior and soon-to-be marketers out there. A place where they can ask questions and get all the tools, resources, inspiration, and support they need, to get their dream life as marketers.

The Values